In this episode we chat with Gideon Nave from Wharton about how false findings on the so-called moral molecule oxytocin continue to propagate throughout the scientific record. In 2015 Gideon and his colleagues conducted a meta-analysis which revealed a number of oxytocin related study outcomes as false findings, but unfortunately that did not change much. We'll touch on what happens when research becomes trendy, why trends seem to overhaul scientific rigor and how even one of the original authors debunking their own findings cannot put the genie back into the bottle. We'll also cover how different incentives might ensure that the headlines ingested by the public and built on by the scientific community are accurate. Now let's jump into the episode where Philipp and Gideon discuss how Ernst Fehr, one of the authors of this study which sparked those oxytocin mania in the first place conducted a large-scale replication study only to debunk his own findings.